Artifact: Instructional Multimedia Project
Multitouch Textbook "The Decibel"(3.8MB, requires iBooks v2.0 on iPad)
Context: This Instructional Multimedia Project was created in Spring 2012 as a part of EDET 793 Advanced Instructional Design and Development. This interactive textbook was developed for use in MUSC 365: Introduction to Audio Recording. The book is intended to address two topics of this course which often give students the most trouble - basic audio electronics and the decibel. As I have seen in the classroom and developed in the learner analysis, students are often intimidated by the math involved. Cognitive overload can occur very quickly and students shut down. The textbook is designed to give a clear and concise explanation of the concepts and will serve as a supplement to the classroom instruction.
Conditions: In January, 2012, Apple Computer released a variant of the ePub electronic book format: the multi-touch textbook. I decided to explore this new format and explore development in the free software iBooks Author. iBooks Textbooks are currently only accessible on the Apple iPad (all versions). A PDF version (without interactive images, glossary, and review quizzes) was also made available for students without an iPad.
Scope: Textbook is available on the internet and iTunes U. It will be utilized as a supplemental text by students in MUSC 365 Introduction to Audio Recording, which is taught each spring semester.
Role: I am the sole creator of the multi-touch textbook content and interactive diagrams. Photos not related to content (cover and margins) by Matt Francis, courtesy of Matt Francis Photography.
ADDIE: A modified ADDIE process was used for the creation of the textbook. These steps are available on the IMP Development Wiki. The decide phase included learner analysis, development of objectives and research. During the design phase I created an outline, flowchart, storyboards, and screen mock-ups. As the developed of the textbook itself progressed, the design was constantly revised in light of what I was learning about the new authoring tool and based on feedback from students and others. The module on decibels is near the beginning of MUSC 365, so next spring the first group of students will use the textbook as a part of the course. Undoubtedly, there will be revisions based on their feedback. This is one of the advantages of a digital textbook - revisions can happen quickly and with little cost.
Performance indicators:
1.1.1.b Analyze instructional tasks, content, and context.
1.3.a Select instructional strategies appropriate for a variety of learner characteristics and learning situations.
The decide phase includes a comprehensive analysis of objectives, learners, context, and content. This analysis showed a need for user-paced instruction which includes both textual and graphic presentations as well as a readily available mathematics review.
1.1.2.d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
The iBooks2 Textbook format is certainly a contemporary instructional technology, especially considering the format did not exist on the first day of classes! This multi-touch textbook format is positioned to be an innovative replacement for standard textbook. I have only scratched the surface of the capabilities of the authoring software, but being able to write for this new format may be very useful, as the iPad could potentially be the book bag of the future.
1.1.3.a Produce instructional materials which require the use of multiple media (e.g., computers, video, projection).
The multi-touch textbook format allows for various forms of media including text, images, videos, presentations, and HTML code. It also include quizzes, note-taking, glossaries and study cards. The textbook I created fully utilizes the built-in glossary and study card features of the iBooks Textbook format as well as in-app chapter review quizzes.
Artifact: Redesign of MUSC 365 Digital Audio Content
Context: Created in Spring 2010 as a part of EDET 709 Application of Learning Principles, this is the redesign of the digital audio module in MUSC 365 Introduction to Audio Recording. This module occurs near the end of the course and serves as a basic introduction to digital audio concepts. The intent is to familiarize the students with the concepts of sampling and quantization. In its original design, the content was unclear, insipid, and a sure source of cognitive overload. The re-design involved better graphic design, balancing of verbal and non-verbal channels, and providing audio examples, which actually stimulate a third channel, neither verbal or visual.
Conditions: This course module is presented in a traditional class room environment. The primary artifacts are a keynote slideshow (hosted via SlideShare) and accompanying audio examples, which can be viewed on the implementation wiki page. SlideShare (and other slideshow hosts) cannot include audio, so any audio examples embedded in the presentation are lost.
Scope: The redesigned content is used each spring semester as a module in MUSC 365 Introduction to Audio Technology. The course module redesign wiki is available on the internet.
Role: I am the sole creator of this course module redesign.
ADDIE: As shown in the course module redesign wiki, I closely followed the ADDIE process throughout. Analysis brought the problem of cognitive overload to light, and this problem was addressed in the design and development stages. The new module incorporates over a dozen new graphics and images that support the learning (the original had only one) and audio examples as shown on the implementation page. Evaluation was planned during the course redesign, but the effectiveness of the redesign was clearly demonstrated when I utilized this in MUSC 365 in Spring 2011. It was highly successful and will be used again this semester.
Performance indicators:
1.1.c Identify learning theories from which each model is derived and the consequent implications.
Throughout this course redesign, consideration was given to various learning theories, with special focus on Cognitive Load Theory and Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. The initial design did not adequately exploit Mayer’s dual-channel assumption so the presentation was redesigned to utilize both the visual and verbal channels as well as tapping an additional non-verbal channel in the form of audio examples.
1.4.a Identify a broad range of observed and hypothetical learner characteristics for their particular area(s) of preparation.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the selection of instructional strategies.
1.4.c Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence the implementation of instructional strategies.
This course module redesign includes an extensive analysis phase that details the learner characteristics and examines the shortcomings in the design of original course delivery. The characteristics of actual MUSC 365 learners directed the course redesign.
Artifact: Selected Response Quiz (PDF, 124kB, opens new window)
Context: Created in Summer 2011 as a part of EDRM 723 Classroom Assessment Methods. This paper explores the writing of a selected response (multiple choice) quiz. The development begins with the analysis of the curriculum standards and the creation of a table of specifications. For each question, both the particular structure of the writing and the cognitive level is supported.
Conditions: This course was substituted for EDRM 700 Introduction to Research in Education, and proved to be extraordinarily valuable. The course explored all types of assessment and cognitive taxonomies. This artifact highlights the selected response type assessment.
Scope: The quiz development is available as a PDF download. This quiz (with some updates) is utilized in MUSC 365 Introduction to Audio Recording.
Role: I am the sole creator of this selected response quiz.
ADDIE: Though ADDIE was not explicitly used, the writing of the quiz required the same steps. The process began with analysis of the curriculum standard and the cognitive strategies required. Design and development were combined in the actual writing portion with constant evaluation to confirm that the questions were structured properly. Initial implementation and evaluation were completed by the course instructor and continued when the quiz was put into practice as an exam for actual students.
Performance indicators:
1.1.5.a Utilize a variety of assessment measures to determine the adequacy of learning and instruction.
1.1.5.c Demonstrate congruency among goals/objectives, instructional strategies, and assessment measures.
Throughout EDRM 723 I examined all types of assessment, including selected response, short answer and essay exams, performance tasks, interviews, surveys, and observation. For each type of assessment I considered the cognitive skill level addressed, developed rubrics, and practiced effective use of item-writing guidelines.
Go to the Development Artifacts page.