Flash Project 2

EDET 703 - Spring 2011

Design and Development Tools II

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I am a board member of the Lexington County Arts Association, which runs Village Square Theatre, a community theatre in Lexington. I decided to create a flash greeting using their logo. I started by finding a red curtain background and pulling in the VST logo. Using the drawing and text tools, I recreated some of the logo elements in blue and purple. Using motion guides, I ‘flew’ in the masks and had the text fade in as the masks flew over them. Once the masks and text were in place, I created two shapes - a small circle in the center and a large rectangle around the outside. Using a shape tween, the small circle grew outward quickly, which signaled the fade out of the colored drawing and the fade in of the actual logo.

I had some difficulties with Flash crashing, but I was much more careful to save along the way. I quickly learned I need to be very careful and meticulous about what and where I clicked so that I was sure I was modifying the correct element in flash.

Five elements

  • Text Element: “Village” Layer-Viilage, frame 82. Created in Flash using the text tool.
  • Graphic Element: Comedy Mask Layer-Comedy, frame 33. I traced over the Comedy mask in the VST logo with the Flash Drawing tools.
  • Graphic located from somewhere else: Closed curtain image for the background. Layer-Curtain, frame 1. Source: http://www.psdgraphics.com/backgrounds/red-curtain-background-theatre-stage/
  • Text or graphic of any type: Village Square Theatre Logo. Layer-Logo, frame 241. Courtesy of Village Square Theatre Text or graphic of any type: Circle/Square. Layer-Shape, frame 191. Created with the Flash Drawing Tools

Motion guides:

  • Two separate guides for the Comedy and Tragedy Masks. Laver-Guide: Comedy, frame 33/Guide: Tragedy, frame 120. The masks fly in spirals and expose the text as they pass by.


  • “Swing City Short” Layer: Sound, frame 33. Included with Apple iMovie. Starts along with the motion tweens.


  • Two Motion Tweens: Laver-Guide: Comedy, frame 33/Guide: Tragedy, frame 120.
  • Shape Tween: Small circle in the center expands outward into a rectangle that outlines the curtain and then fades.
  • Alpha: Many (masks, logo, curtain background, text, and button) elements fade in or out using an Alpha of 0 and a tween.

Button & Actions

  • Cause the Flash movie to stop. - Layer-Stop, frame 235.
  • Create a button that will replay the movie. - Replay Button, Layer-Button, frame 311. Created an oval using the Flash drawing tools. Used the text tool to put the word ‘replay’ in the oval. Changed the fill color of the oval for the Up, Over, and Down button states.


March 1, 2011